Monday, 9 March 2009



I don't like taking pictures of flowers. I'm also not good at it. Many photographers especially those with dslr like to take pictures of flowers. All the flower pictures I've seen are pretty boring to me. Technically they may be very good. Their compositions look "standard" though. Absolutely not inspiring. I believe taking pictures of flowers is a good way for tests or learning. Artistically, it's hard to be brilliant.

I don't have any dslr and I don't want one. But I can take a boring flower picture like this one. Techinically, it's nothing too. Under the many overcast days these days, when I saw the colourful flowers, I couldn't help but take a picture of them. Hope it'll be sunny with a lovely blue sky soon.


  1. I agree with you about boring flower macros. It serves no purpose at all other than pixel peeping and debating which camera/lens rendered the most details.
    There are some nice flower macros but most are not really inspiring.

  2. Yeah. Those macros. I'm yawning now...
